Teacher. Writer. Speaker.

As a theologian, I read and teach about topics like Christology and the Church. My deepest passion, though, lies in seeing the way deeper truths connect our everyday life together.
My academic expertise generally falls into two areas: (1) Christian understandings of Judaism, and Jewish-Christian engagement, and (2) the family, especially adoption.
More broadly, I have written about the Christian life, politics, and culture.
You can take a look at some of my writing here.
I also speak regularly to church and school groups.

The Complex and Beautiful Vocation of Raising Children
What others have to say...
"Readers will find in Coolman a wise and gracious guide eager to help other parents with their vital work of ‘apprenticing children to love.’ Church leaders will find numerous insights into how best to support parents and children.... Parenting is uniquely thoughtful, inclusive, and peaceable." -Emily Hunter McGowin
"Coolman offers people of faith and indeed all people a beautiful perspective on the challenges and rewards of parenting. I am particularly grateful for her wise words about the complexity of parenting today..... Far from offering distant ideals, Coolman writes from the thick of her own experience. This book is real and will lift readers to see the vocation of forming children into adults as shot through with grace, even in the hardest times. Read, and then share this book with parents and those involved in family ministries!”
“Parenting is both a gift from God and a wilderness. I can’t think of a better guide to receiving well the gift and navigating the wilderness than Holly Taylor Coolman, who writes out of her deep faith, theological understanding, and profound experience. Reading this book was like having a long conversation with a very wise friend about things that matter most." - L. Roger Owens
“I simply adored this book. In Parenting, Coolman has created an invaluable resource for any parent in any season of life. Who doesn’t want to love their children better? To know them more fully? To have more peace and joy in their home? Coolman writes like a friend who’s been there, bringing a lifetime of wisdom and scholarship. She doesn’t sugarcoat the challenges of parenting even as she encourages her reader to delight in the task.”
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Meet Holly
Holly Taylor Coolman is an accomplished writer, captivating speaker, dedicated coach, and a beacon of inspiration. Her mission is to empower individuals through her words, engage audiences through her speeches, and guide clients towards their full potential. Join her journey to discover transformative experiences and unlock your true potential.